Health & Safety

Our robust Health & Safety and Quality Management systems help to mitigate the risk in your projects.  The Contrax Greenscapes philosophy of ‘measure twice, cut once’ guides our approach managing both our business and our on-site operations.

We employ a full-time Health & Safety officer who co-ordinates and fosters a company culture that keeps the Contrax Greenscapes sites operating safely.  We work within clear guidelines to ensure that we :

  • Regularly review and update our policies, at least every two years
  • Review our H&S objectives annually
  • Actively encourage accurate and timely reporting and recording of all incidents and injuries
  • Investigate all accidents and take corrective action
  • Identify all existing and new hazards and take practical steps to eliminate or minimise them
  • Train all our workers to enable them to perform their duties in a safe manner
  • Encourage worker consultation and involvement
  • Promote a system of continuous improvement
  • Meet our obligations under the Heath and Safety at work Act 2015, the Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 2016, Codes of Practice, and any relevant Standards or Guidelines.

We understand that:

  • All accidents are preventable
  • No-one should ever feel unsafe at work
  • The conduct of our senior staff influences the behaviour of others
  • There is always room to learn and develop.